Are you listening?

Throughout our summer vacation last year, I set aside little bits of time to listen to God. In nature, his sovereignty is visible through the chirp of the birds, roar of the mountain stream or in the stillness of the morning dew.

I’ve found that each day Christ gives vision and tactical steps toward destiny. He is truly giving Kingdom strategies in this season. I didn’t always take the time to quiet myself long enough to hear all of His direction.
During a recent 40 day soul fast, I chose to have the noises of everyday living shut off. I limited my tv watching, radio listening, and phone conversations. In exchange I transformed my atmosphere by listening to worship music and the heart of my Savior whispering gently through my thoughts.
It was the greatest experience in my Christian journey!

To maintain my clear and crisp communication even beyond the 40 day fast, I have removed most of the television from my life. At the moment, each time I hear the voice of the Lord, I shut off the radio or any distractions to hone in on his daily manna for the day. This process isn’t always easy. God knows I desire to watch the new season of The Game and Housewives of Atlanta J but there isn’t any time with Kingdom work growing by the day.

How do you listen for God's voice?


  1. Roslyn,
    Thank you for sharing! Its so beautiful to hear His sweet voice. I too have started this year fasting and just focusing on Him. Listening to His voice and the different ways that He speaks - thru songs, conversations with people, scripture, my 5 yr old son, his voice during the quiet prayers and the nudge in my heart. I thought I would never be able to fast from TV but I havent missed it as much as I thought. I spent time in the word, read great books like Made to Crave, Can you hear Me, One in a Million, Daniel Fast. Thanks for your words of encouragement on this beautiful journey.

  2. Wow, Roslyn! I need some inspiration and prayer in my life. I hope through reading your blogs I can be uplifted and closer to god. Thank you for being a positive influence to me :)


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