Set Your Intention

For over a decade I have practiced yoga. I have learned over the years that yoga is more about breathing and focusing my thoughts than it is about stretching. I enjoy yoga so much I have a private teacher every Sunday morning (in case you were wondering my family and I attend church on Saturday night).
My instructor, Patricia, always starts the class by saying; "Set your intention for today". That statement used to confuse me; I really had no other intention than finishing the class. That statement, even today intrigues me-"Set your intention for today".
We are always rushing through life and going through the motions. Wake up, go to work, take the kids to school, cook the dinner, go to the grocery store, etc. We never stop to INTENTIONALLY think about what we are doing.
I have made it a practice to try to live with intention. What about you? What if you were intentional about spending more "engaging" time with your kids or your spouse? Maybe you will intentionally try to be more positive, eat less white sugar or resist the urge to buy the 3 inch Cole Hahn leopard heels you saw at Nordstrom (ok that's my intention for today). Whatever it is decide today to Live with Intention and enjoy where God has you at this moment. Namaste!


  1. Nice to read your blog! Will look forward to it! I've started one myself, let me know what you think!


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