Look Up!

One of the best reasons to live in Florida this time of the year is the amazing weather. The crystal blue skies and warm sunshine are wonderful considering that most of the country remains buried under snow and ice.

Last Saturday was no exception. I was in the house cooking breakfast when my son started screaming, "Mom come here"! He said it so many times, I really thought one of my kids was hurt or bleeding. I ran outside to see this gorgeous sight. A sky writer had just completed writing the words "TRUST JESUS & GOD". It was the most amazing sight ever seen in the sky. It was so impressive! I am sure for miles around you could see those inspiring words written in the sky. I quickly grabbed my iphone to snap a picture. I stood outside basking in the glory of the sun (SON).
That day I was overwhelmed thinking about all of the stuff on my "to do list" for the weekend. As a full time working mom, weekends don't mean a day off. I find myself keeping crazy busy even though it is the weekend (the time I should be resting). Imagine what a great reminder God gave me on last week when I looked up.

I'm not sure what stress or obstacles you might be facing (completing a school project, caring for a loved one, making a decision, trying to pay a bill, etc.). No matter the test, I want to remind you to TRUST the way God reminded me last week.

God can handle it! He created you so that He could LOVE on you. He won't let you down, just look up and allow Him to remind you of His impressive power.


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