VOSS is my new favorite water thanks to a great friend of mine that introduced me to the wonderful taste and look of the bottled water. She gave our small group members the beautiful, crystal clear cylinder bottle a few weeks ago. VOSS is a sparkling mineral water from Norway that has an ability to quench my thirst whether I drink it cold or at room temperature.

When you read the VOSS story, you find out that the company was started by two friends. They attended high school together, went their separate ways but continued to share with each other their diverse experiences.

After drinking the water, we decided that our small group name would be VOSS. We are a small collection of women that have overcome numerous obstacles. We represent different cultures, birth places and experiences that have matured us in ways we never thought imaginable. For us, VOSS, means:


This statement defines the power we possess as children of the most High. I LOVE this name and what it represents so much that I want to start a revolution! We want to find men and women all over the world that represent VICTORY over their past hurts and present obstacles.

To accomplish this task, we need your help. If you know of someone who embodies the meaning of VOSS, give them a bottle and tell them to do the same for someone else in their circle of friends.

Recently, during a birthday celebration with my sister and our best friends, I gave each of them a bottle of VOSS with a note that explained the reason why they were receiving it. As you can see in their faces, they were so excited to join the VOSS revolution.

It is time to declare our VICTORY and join together as a unified body!


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