Don’t let your "raisin" dry up

One of my favorite poems is "A Dream Deferred" by Langston Hughes. The first lines of the poem read, "What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?" These simple yet profound words inspired Lorraine Hansberry to write the famous play, "A Raisin in the Sun."

With the world knowing our secret of wanting to become published authors, it is vital that we not allow our dream to wither.

On Monday my husband received an email from a co-worker who subscribes to the blog. Reading the blog blessed her to the point that she encouraged us to enter a contest to win a scholarship to attend the 2011 She Speaks Conference in Concord, North Carolina. Her email resonated with me this week because I thought about how sharing with others through this blog is inspiring the world!

She Speaks conference will take place in July. This conference offers a platform for new or seasoned writers and speakers. We come together to acquire tools and resources to make the most of our message. In a world where women are often portrayed negatively, this conference offers an environment for women to gain wisdom and faithful instruction to influence the world around them. We are energized about this conference and the vast training it will provide.

What about YOU? What are you inspired to do? How will you fulfill the dream inside of you and within your heart? The sole purpose of this blog is to inspire the world!

What steps are you taking to make your dream a reality and to ensure your dream doesn’t dry up like the raisin in the sun? (Posted by Roslyn)

For more information on the She Speaks Conference, click on this link:

She Speaks Scholarship Link


  1. I am taking the step of attending the She Speaks Conference in July!!!! Hello, I found you through the linky on Lysa's blog. I pray that I will get to meet you there too! Sounds like this conference is a perfect fit for you both! Blessings to you!!!

  2. Found you blog on Lysa's site! I love the image of not letting your dream dry up like a raisin :) I want all of us girlys dreams to be big and juicy grapes!

  3. The conference sounds great! As far as what i'm doing to make sure my dreams don't dry up? I keep taking my dreams outta my hands and to the throne and leaving it there. :)

  4. I have visited your blog and enjoyed it very much. It has a great inspiration.

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    God Bless,



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