Here we go…………the big reveal!

Roslyn and I are setting out on a path to become published authors. Excitement around the journey we are embarking on together are beyond words. God gave me the vision through a woman I’d never met until November of last year. Within minutes of meeting Hortensia Rodriguez, she quickly spoke into my life with eight simple words. “Write the book that the world needs to hear.” Quietly I meditated on God’s command and with his permission shared my “aha” moment with Roslyn. She then revealed that God also whispered the same to her.

We’ve spent the last few days in Lake Yale, Florida at the 2011 Florida Christian Writers Conference surrounded by talented writers, authors, publishers and editors. From the moment we arrived on the property, there was an atmosphere of greatness that only God could prepare for us. It was an honor to be among numerous Christian writers who share our same interest. The conference organizer, Billie Wilson, conveyed to us on the first day that “God chose this moment in time to share through each of us what is on his heart.” We are confident that our dream will soon become a reality. Follow us on this journey.

Over the next few weeks we will post a few of the inspirational highlights from the conference. We are setting out to inspire the world!

Click on the video clip to see more about our reveal. Stay Inspired! (posted by Renee)

*If reading this post from your mobile phone and experience difficulty viewing the clip, please visit our blog website at*


  1. I am so happy for the two of you!!! Keep up your enthusiasm, faith and love and everything else will come to you!!!

  2. You are ordained and anointed to do this cousins, know that I am proud and "twice blessed" to have you in my life and to be my little sisters in literature as well. I expect BIG things from you in exceeding and abundant portions because GOD grants them in that manner. The BEST is YET to come!


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