Drive By Blessing!

How many times do you ride by a homeless man or woman and keep driving?

You desire to help but you also don't want to give money that could possibly be used to feed an addiction. I would venture to say that almost every person reading this post has experienced this scenario.

Today I was inspired by my son's school to make a difference! Their youth department prepares gallon-size plastic storage bags to bless the homeless. They contain various items such as soup, nuts, mints, bottle of water, spoon, and a granola bar. The bag also includes an index card with the name, phone number, location and operation hours of the local Christian Social Services office. Whenever they drive by someone in need, they give them a bag.

What a concept......a drive by blessing!

This idea was profound for me. You have the ability to impact someone's life with a simple gesture. The word of God tells us, to whom much is given, much is required. We are blessed beyond measure, why not share the blessing.

I wanted to take the gift to the next's how:

Roslyn and I are couponers. We save about 50%-65% on our weekly food bill utilizing couponing techniques. (If you are interested in how we do it, check out

We often purchase items that we don't use regularly because they are free or almost 80% cheaper than the retail cost. We don't pay for toothbrushes, deodorant, or toothpaste.

I added a few of those items in the storage bag pictured above. A gallon bag can hold quite a few items that will help anyone in need.

Be creative with your drive by blessing.......add an inspirational note or book (thanks Jackie) or socks in the winter. Utilize your family to help spread the love of Christ throughout your community!

My husband and I packed our bag yesterday and we are on a mission to change someone's life, one bag at a time. If you check your pantry, you probably already have enough items to fill a bag without even shopping.

Please help us make this concept go viral. Share it on your Facebook page, Twitter, or LinkedIn account.


  1. Very sweet! I always try to give at any red light. I just saw very pregnant female at red light close to home & she had a bucket begging for $. Needless to say, I was devastated. Gave her a $20

    Two weeks ago, I collected many items from pantry & placed in a bag on my mailbox. They collect every so often. I'll do the same with your idea! Great one! Love giving! thanks janette [Roslyn's friend here in FTL...& yours :]

  2. That is a great idea! Having a bag on hand would make it so simple to help, without any second guessing. Thanks for sharing this idea!

  3. I love this idea too and have posted it on my Facebook page. Thanks ladies and God bless you.

  4. Renee:

    So glad that you enjoy & will use the homeless food pack idea!! Our youth got the idea from a parent a few years back and we make those about once per year to give to our congregants to pass out, exactly how you experienced!! Thank you for passing this on & encouraging others to use their portion as a blessing to others.

    Christina Mitchell
    Youth Minister
    First UMC of Land O' Lakes

  5. my girls and I would carry things with us when on walks in Santa Monica and give bottled water, bars, etc to people sleeping on the side of the road or sitting in the park. Great for myself and my kids. We try and have extra things in the car when driving here in Florida as well but I love this idea of the bag full. We will make this a priority to do as a family!!


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