Men of Valor

Yesterday, we celebrated Father's Day. Many dads enjoyed being able to relax, grill, golf, or watch sports all day without any interruptions. My house wasn't any different. As I write this post my husband is napping on the couch even though he keeps saying "I'm not asleep, I'm watching the game."

Sobering Reality

I read about the lower expectations for Father's day while drinking my morning coffee. Many people don't have relationships with their father and the reality is that during holidays more flowers, cards and gifts are given to moms. The few humble dads are usually left to receive a new drill, ties or a pair of socks (how I wish you would have bought him a new Fossil watch).

As I scrolled through Facebook yesterday I saw countless amounts of people proudly sharing delightful words about their living or deceased father. They remembered the special moments with dad while they were growing up. Playing catch in the backyard, dressing up and attending a tea party with their little girls are just some of the ways father's make a difference. Renee and I were blessed with an awesome dad that worked hard for his family. Even though he is no longer with us, the lessons he taught live on.

Hope for our future

Father's play such an important role in this journey of life!

I am raising two sons and it's become so clear that the way I handle my boys is completely different from the way my husband raises them. I want to kiss their boo boo's but he will just say, "Ah, you will be alright."

It doesn't matter if you are a biological or surrogate father, all men play a role in shaping children.

Our society needs more of the men that received such great praise on yesterday. We all need a father figure in our lives. Thankfully, these male role models can come in the form of a devoted teacher, inspiring coach or a valiant soldier.

As we go throughout this year, let's continue to praise and encourage the father figures that have lived inside or in some cases outside of our homes.

We salute you, men of valor.

Our society IS filled with men who intentionally love their children and shape the younger generation into great leaders. Click on the link below and leave us a comment about some of the valiant men in your life. (Posted by Roslyn)


  1. Beautiful post, ladies! Unfortunately I didn't have a good relationship with my fathers when I was growing up but my husband is wonderful and it always makes me so happy to see him loving our kids!


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