The Last Time God Failed Me

~ Today's guest blogger is Paige Henry. She is an identical twin who hails from Detroit, MI. ~

At least for me, it's difficult to find things in this world to trust in. I long for something stable, something consistent to rely and trust in. If I were to ask you for a solution to this problem, I am willing to bet my bottom dollar that you would point me to Christ. After all, He is the obvious solution. So it amazes me how I, and I'm sure others, have developed trust issues with God. Often I find myself worrying about one issue or another. I find myself working hard to protect my own self.

If I am honest with myself, it is because I haven't fully surrendered every part of my being to God's will.

I must admit that there are times when I'm skeptical of God's plan for me. At times, my lack of wisdom leads me to believe that I may end up disappointed if I completely exchange my hopes, dreams and aspirations for His. Yet if you ask me for the reason of my distrust in Christ, I could not give you a reasonable response.

If one were to ask me about the last time God failed me, I would have to reply that He never has.

But for some, maybe you would have an experience where it felt as if God failed. A time when you were disappointed by the pain this world can sometimes bring. For me there were times where I felt unprotected. I was upset about bad experiences I had, and fearful because God didn't guarantee that I wouldn't have painful experiences again.

I was comforted by a story I read in a book awhile back. The story is about a true experience of a soldier in the army fighting in a tank during a battle. This soldier was a devout Christian.

Bold in his faith.

Bold enough to publicly profess God's power and anoint his tank with oil before going into battle. However, the soldier did not find the easy victory he expected. Instead his tank lost communication with his fellow troops and was blinded throughout the battle. This man later developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and decreased faith in God. His perception was distorted and he failed to realize that God still protected him. The soldier was unharmed, but God's protection came in a different form than he expected.

I had to change my perspective to realize that God is always protecting me and working on my behalf. He allows trials into my life to show me His power and to develop wisdom and my relationship with Him. The next time you begin to doubt God's plan for you, I would encourage you to reflect on the last time God failed you.

So what are you worried about again?

~ Paige Henry is school social worker and independent music artist. Check out her music at!/sydneyandpaige?sk=app_2405167945 or ~


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