
Who doesn't enjoy the many fruits of summer-ice cold watermelon, juicy peaches, and nectarines. Did you realize that the fruit you buy this time of the year was planted in the dead of winter? No one was thinking of juicy summer fruit when they were knee deep in snow. Before we can have a summer harvest, we must first plant a seed in winter.
Do you feel alone and isolated like many people feel in winter? Do you keep facing storms like the blizzards of winter? Did you just start a new chapter in your life and feel as if you are just starting to bloom like the many plants and flowers of spring? Maybe you are enjoying the season of summer in your life and you are free from a bad relationship or habit.
You should never become content in a certain season of life because a new season might be just around the corner. As sure as a season comes into your life (whether it is good or bad) it will eventually leave. Don't ever give up, because before you know it you will be celebrating the freedom of summer.
We wish you a happy 4th of July! This holiday represents our nation declaring its freedom and independence from other nations.
Why don't you declare your freedom from depression, anxiety, confusion and frustration? Be free to live and love!
Click on the link to hear one of our favorite songs of summer: (Posted by Roslyn)
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