Back To School-Part 2

With today being the first day of school for our daughter, there is so much excitement in our home. The anticipation of meeting the new teacher, wearing a new outfit and sharing summer stories with friends adds to the enthusiasm.

Parents and students share the responsibility of making a school year successful. Here are some helpful tips from our mom. She is a retired educator with over 30+ years of classroom experience.

    Advice for K-12 graders:

  • Make the teacher aware of any medical conditions concerning your child. Don't depend on the information to be relayed from the application completed during student enrollment.

  • Realize that the teacher/student relationship is not a friendship or a "love affair".

While growing up, there were times when I would tell my mother that the teacher didn't like me. It was my form of an excuse to explain away my grades. In her eyes, that wasn't justification for mediocrity. There was always an expectation of greatness achieved through trying your very best. Emotions and feelings didn't play into the equation.

  • Communicate with the teacher throughout the school year.

There is a tendency to have contact diminish after the first few months. Make sure it continues. Read the papers/notes sent home on a daily basis. This is VITAL. The messages provide an opportunity for the teacher to share information. It also offers you the chance to share concerns or comments. Always check to see if homework is assigned. Help your child with the project to help understand what your son/daughter is learning.

  • Become familiar with the plan of the classroom.

Understand the class rules and teaching style of the educator. This will help strengthen the teacher/parent relationship.

Advice for parents of college students:

For some reading this post today, it is the first time you will begin the school year without your baby at home. You won't be there to drop them off to school or give them a kiss at the end of their day. Mom's advice for you is simple.

Let them go.

Realize that you have done your part. You can now rest in the assurance of Proverbs 22:6 (KJV). "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Find comfort in the wisdom spoken from this verse. Our almighty, sovereign God will protect, shelter and keep watch over your precious angel.

We pray these helpful hints will make for a successful school year. Please share your advice with us on Twitter, Facebook, or in the comments section of this post. If you missed 'Back to School-Part 1', click:

'Like' us on Facebook:!/pages/DoublePortionInspiration/200504323308400

(Posted by Renee)


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