BTS-Back To School!

Can you believe how fast the summer flew by? Many of us are getting our kids ready for a new school year. A dear friend of mine is getting ready to drive her daughter to college. I am proud that she is driving her to the University of Florida (my alma mater). Her heart is filled with anxiety and also excitement. It is amazing the amount of emotions that live inside one body! Her text to me today inspired this post.

As we get ready to enter into a "new" season, we have to leave many things behind. For instance, a late night run to Cold Stone or the freedom to sleep in late. We move into a season of homework, schedules, extracurricular activities, and early morning alarms. Each new season, even in life, allows us the opportunity to continue to grow. We must let our little ones go into a big new school or college campus and know we have done the best job to love and teach them to be independent thinkers.

Here is a simple prayer as you enter your new season:

Lord, thank you that my life belongs to you. I am not able to control all of my emotions. I don't know what my future holds but I am assured that YOU hold my future. I commit (insert your child's name) into your care. Thank you for allowing me to partner with you to raise this child. I am filled with gratitude knowing that you will keep him/her safe from danger. My child WILL excel in all things. Amen!

A rich king once said, "Teach your children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon that path." ~Proverbs 22:6

In your moments of being worried, let a gentle Savior whisper in your ear: "Don't be afraid". I will need that same whisper as my oldest heads off to middle school on Monday. (Posted by Roslyn)


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