Morning Assignment

School is now back in session after Winter Break.  As much as I love to have my boys home, I enjoy resuming a regular routine.  Having my kids in school gives me the opportunity to learn all over again.  I attempt to help with homework.  But honestly, most nights I don't feel smarter than my 1st grader.  My husband and I learned NOT to help my 6th grader with his math-ugh!

One thing that is universal in most schools are the clear goals that are given to kids first thing in the morning.  In preschool and elementary children have circle/calendar time.  As you move through middle & high school you utilize your planners to write your daily assignments/homework.  These clear goals help kids organize and prepare their mind for the day ahead of them.

What about us as adults?  We all have the same 24 hours in a day.  Yet it seems that many Americans are frazzled, running late and disorganized.  There is an energy of procrastination that starts at a young age and carries through until we are older.  Trust me, our home has spent many late nights working on projects  the night before they are due.  Even though my son had an entire month to complete it.  This leads to higher levels of stress and just a general feeling of exhaustion.

How can we exist in our day if we don't know our assignment?  
What are we trying to accomplish in our day?

It amazes me how Jesus Christ was on Earth only 33 short years, yet in that time He was able to fulfill and complete the redemptive plan for all mankind-talk about being efficient!  How did He do it?

"I have brought you glory on Earth by finishing the work you gave me to do." John 17:4NIV

In this scripture, Jesus was praying to his Father.  Christ did not allow others to dictate His daily schedule.  His only concern was to complete the assignment that God had for Him.  We are not able to be productive with our day because we are filling it with tasks for other people.  We don't have clear assignments from our Creator.  Have you ever asked God, "What is the work You have for me today?"

Our mission this year is to have One Word that we work towards 365 days.  It's not a long list of goals or resolutions but a word to keep you inspired.  Knowing where you are going, helps create the daily assignments God has specifically for you.  Your assignments are unique.  The assignments of yesterday are not the same goals to be accomplished today.  

Spend time asking God-What is my purpose and assignment for this season of my life?  

Just like in school your assignments will always change but your purpose (gaining an education) remains the same.  This is the perfect time of year to refresh, refocus and renew. (Posted by Roslyn)


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