The Road Less Traveled

Happy New Year
My family always spends our Christmas holiday in Orlando.  This year we traveled to Davenport, Fl.  Using our GPS as a guide we decided on a new route (US27).  We always take the expressway (Turnpike) when we travel.  Taking US27 was taking me out of my comfort zone because you are traveling through small cities with many stoplights.  I was afraid a 3 hour trip would take 6 hours.
My uncle's front yard

The experience was wonderful!  We went through small towns like Clewiston and Moore Haven.  The average population in these cities is 2,000 people.  US27 is the road less traveled because it is surrounded by agricultural fields. We saw huge fields of sugar cane and bountiful orange groves.  The ride was quiet and peaceful.
Mother's Garden

During our Christmas vacation we  journeyed to Archer, FL.  My boys played outside all day being entertained by cows and acorns falling from the massive oak tree.  It was a rare glimpse to see them not asking for their Xbox or Wii games.  They enjoyed smelling the country air and using their own imagination for games to play.

The highlight was Christmas dinner prepared by my mom.  She grows most of her vegetables.  My boys had fun watering grandma's garden and pulling off the veggies that were ready to be harvested.

As we embrace a new year realize that sometimes the road less traveled is the exact road that God wants for you. 

 My first choice was not to ride on US27 but I am pleased that we did.  I saw God's hand as I drove through poverty stricken communities.  I don't want to rush through another year, but instead enjoy the journey and the obstacles (we had a flat tire on our road trip).  As I start 2012 I have a new sense of tranquility & thankfulness. (Posted by Roslyn)

What are you expecting in 2012? Have you set any goals for the new year? 


  1. Great article!!! God continues to show up and show off in my life so I look forward to 2012 with great anticipation. I can't wait to see what God has next!!!

    I've always been a goal setter, but this year I'm trying to be more intentional with my time. I found a great framework for a life plan by Michael Hyatt, I thought I'd share. It's a free download... I'm setting my up now.

    I love you both and continue to pray for your ministry. Keep LIVIN LOUD IN HIS NAME!!!

    Dawn at Infinite Love Ministries.

  2. Dawn,

    Happy New Year. Thanks for the link. We enjoy Michael Hyatt's blog. It's great information. This is our year! Like you, we greet it with great expectations!

  3. Thanks for sharing. I had a similar experience last September when our family was traveling to Disney (Orlando). My husband decided to take US27 and I was very disappointed at his decision as I was in a hurry to get to Orlando. The journey thru the towns was very enjoyable. We took the turnpike on the return trip and both agreed that US 27 was a more interesting route. In that moment God gently reminded me its really about the journey not just the destination. What a blessing! Happy New Year and looking forward to all God has in store for you and your ministry.

  4. Kimmie,

    I love your statement that it's more about the journey than it is the destination. Enjoy 2012 and the journey it will lead you on. Blessings!


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