Did It Fall On Deaf Ears?

Roslyn-Easter 2011
The Superbowl Sunday of Christianity (Easter) is over and we resume our normal routine.  It is the biggest and holiest holiday for so many people.  Churches plan for months the activities that will take place on Easter Sunday.  Ministry workers and volunteers spend the week before Easter planting Spring flowers, decorating, stuffing eggs, cleaning and a host of other tasks to get ready for the huge amount of visitors.

The crowds of parishioners on Easter is huge.  Unfortunately, some people won't come back to church until Mother's day or Christmas so their is a lot at stake.  Sunrise service, kids Easter programs and beach baptisms are just a few of the ways we commemorate the special day.  Ministers try to craft a message that will appeal and hopefully not offend those that are coming to church for the first time.  Easter services are held outside at a rodeo, under a tent, a football stadium or some even go to the expense to rent the local arena to accommodate the large crowds.

Women spent Saturday getting their hair and nails done.  Little girls and boys are stuffed into cute Spring sun dresses and ties.  They associate the holiday with a new outfit and shiny shoes.  There is a wonderful energy as you walk into church.  Christians are celebrating the empty tomb and our "Risen" Savior.

But, did the message fall on deaf ears?  Do YOU remember the Easter message you heard yesterday?  

What scripture did the Pastor use during the message?  

As we recover from the holiday, I pray God's inspirational word of yesterday is planted deep within your heart.  Don't allow the obstacles or trials of this week to extinguish the flame that brightly burned in your soul just a few hours ago.  The Resurrected Savior is the same God today that is able to redeem, heal, restore, strengthen and love you.  Keep Him close and He will hover over you.  (Posted by Roslyn)

It is the same with my word.  I send it out, and it ALWAYS produces fruit.  It will ACCOMPLISH all I want it to, and it will PROSPER everywhere I send it.  (Isaiah 55:11 NLT)


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