He Physically Beats Me!

I sat in a waiting room in the doctor's office on Saturday. Everyone in the "well" room waiting for the pediatrician sat glued to their cell phone.  To my right sat a couple with two beautiful children. My eyes instantly fell to their bouncing toddler. Her name was Brenda and she had the sweetest curls. Her smile made me light up inside. She was cute and chunky. Brenda was a climber and wouldn't sit still. She climbed up and down the waiting room chairs.

As more families filled the room, her father gave her a big bear hug to keep her still in his lap. She kept trying to inch away but he just grabbed her tighter. Little Brenda's fun was over in an instant. Her mom said, "Now Brenda you have to go to prison". She was referring to the way her dad forced her to sit quietly. He wanted to prove to everyone in that waiting room that he was in control of his own daughter.  Eventually, Brenda succumbed and settled down. 

The father had such an angry and sour look on his face. His eyes were blood shot red. Brenda had an accident in her diaper.  It soaked into her dad's jeans. I've never seen someone become so angry. He wanted the dirty diaper off her.  He started yelling at Brenda's mom in such a tone that shook me to my core. The mom got up to change her and the dad forcefully went after her. Grabbing her hard enough to surely leave a bruise. 

I didn't see them after the incident because they went back to see the doctor and so did I. But I can tell you that scenario has left me breathless. I can't stop thinking about that mother.  The fear I saw in her eyes. She felt defenseless and embarrassed having this man yell at her in a quiet waiting room. 

The facts: every 9 seconds a woman is abused in the US
One in three women in the world has been beaten or abused

Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury for women. STOP for a moment and look around! The women being abused are sitting or standing next to us at work. They are in our classrooms, soccer fields and churches. She is in the grocery store, in our families or she could be your own teenage daughter. 

I personally have witnessed so many teenagers in the mall being yelled, shoved and hit while in the mall with their boyfriend. This epidemic has gotten out of control. We must awaken, open our eyes and bring awareness to this problem. We close our eyes not even realizing what abuse might be happening next door, in our communities. 

Who is she? 

She's secretly crying out for help? Are you to busy to realize who she is? She is afraid of the shame, guilt and lack of concern from those she trusts so she suffers in silence. She did nothing wrong.

He will die for lack of self-control;he will be lost because of his great foolishness. 

(Proverbs 5:23 NLT)

May all abusers realize, God is clear in His word. Those who lack self-control will die. May we arise, help spread awareness and pray for each woman that is suffering in silence. (Posted by Roslyn)



  1. Thanks for shedding light on this topic that effects so many more women then we realize. As a Victim Advocate for over 13 years a while back, I saw first hand day after day the victims of domestic and dating violence. This was not a "poor people, uneducated people" issue, this issue spanned culture, race and economic standards. I pray that Brenda's mom finds help and gets out of the situation before the cycle repeats itself with little precious Brenda.

    1. Thanks for your comment and your sacrifice of time as a Victim Advocate!

  2. What a powerful reminder for us to be more vigilant concerning abuse. That is a startling statistic...every 9 seconds a woman is abused. It's unfortunate the lessons our children learn when they are exposed to circumstances like that. May God bless the suffering and give them the courage and strength to get help.

    1. Thanks Hope for the comment. The statistic is very startling. We must shine a light on the ills in our society. Women are God's prize possession and they must be protected. Please share with others.


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