Rest. Restore. Reflect.

2 sisters + 2 best friends = 4 girls having the time of their life!

This past weekend was our annual ladies weekend and it proved to be one of the best one's yet.  In lieu of exchanging birthday gifts, we take a weekend, choose a location, and prepare for gut wrenching laughter, catching up on each other's lives and the consumption of scrumptious food. 

No sippy cups. No pull-ups. No Xbox.

Just three days without an agenda or plans.  Our only objective is to restore our bodies and celebrate the gift of sisterhood and friendship.

Welcome to paradise!
White sandy beaches and the audible tone of white capped waves crashing against the sea shore was the back drop of this year's retreat.  Having the freedom to awaken when I wanted instead of when I hear my three year old yells, "Mommy", was invigorating.  Even though I could sleep in, I didn't want to.  I refused to miss watching the beautiful sunrise while listening to God speak through the voice of nature.  He certainly has a way of telling you that everything will be alright when you take time to see, hear and feel His majesty.

Preparing for the perfect picture
 When I shared with my nine year old daughter that mommy was heading out of town with her aunts, she said, "Mommy, when I grow up, I'm going to take a trip with my friends".  Her words lingered with me.  I realized that she recognized it is necessary and ok to take time to rest and spend time with friends.  I was modeling a behavior that my daughter wanted to emulate.  Life is challenging and God desires for us to nurture our relationships with others.  Even though it was only three days, the time away was priceless

God is the perfect example of taking time to rest.  Since the beginning of creation he modeled a behavior that we must follow.  He established the universe in six days and then rested on the seventh day. 

Happy Memorial Day!

As we prepare for the Memorial Day holiday, take time to rest, restore, and reflect.  It's amazing what you can learn when you allow yourself just a few hours of time without television, radio and phones.  God is always speaking, are you quiet enough to hear? (Posted by Renee)

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  1. Reading this post just makes me want to "EXHALE". It's great that you all can take time away to connect and enjoy each other's company while reflecting on God's majesty....(kid free). Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hope,

      The entire weekend was amazing. BTW, we actually ran the bridge in the background. Amazing!


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