Fun Friday

Every since seeing the movie, "Avengers", my boys have been obsessed with super heroes.  I recently took them to the library to find a few books.  My oldest is in love with the, "NERDS" series by Michael Buckley.  It is about a group of nerds that turn into super spies.

The characters are interesting because they deal with everyday problems school age children go through like:  Pufferfish (her allergies detect danger) or Wheezer (she uses her inhalers to blast the enemy).  I am just happy to find a Summer series that holds the interest of my tween.

So what about you:  What super hero would you like to become?  

My new name is-PenciLady (I use my words to erase all the evil in the world). Be creative, have fun and leave us a comment and let us know.  We would also love to hear about a great book you are reading to pass the time during the lazy days of Summer. (Posted by Roslyn)


  1. Hello Ladies! Thanks for sharing. I love PENCILADY!
    Thanks for making me think of myself as a superhero. Hello my name is ROOTZGAL (deeply rooted and watered by truth and my branches are like a force shield to comfort those in need) . LOL!

    My summer reading - First book was "Pearl in the sand" which is a great novel about the prostitiute Rahab. Now reading "Cause within you" by Matthew Barnett (Founder of the Dream Center)

  2. Sounds like a really cute series for kids. I am currently reading "effective classroom management" and "21st century learners."


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