Do you spend a huge amount of time worrying?  Life has a way of throwing curve balls at us.  Then we are left to figure out how to "dodge" another bullet.  Will I lose my house?  How will I recover from this financial ruin?  How will I survive during my parent's illness?  Who can I trust in this new city?  What will I do when the entire family comes over for dinner?  Is my husband making the right decision for our family?  Will my manager approve my promotion?  Who is next to be downsized at work?  My teenager is pregnant, how will this go away?

First off, we are not alone in this life.  We don't have to figure out life's problems.  Worry can overtake our thoughts and emotions.  It finds a way to paralyze us.  We spend more time worrying over the situation than we do discovering or praying for a solution.  We can't move forward because we are brought to our knees with fear.  

The difference between concern and worry is that worry has negative emotions and thoughts associated with it.  You are literally trying to "figure out" the answer to the problem.  Many obstacles in life can't be figured out.  It is simply out of our control (ex. the CEO deciding to sell the business, leaving you without a job).

What you focus on expands in value!  

If the problem seems bigger, my constant meditation and thoughts on it will make it grow in value in my mind.  Worry is the opposite of trust.  God is our Creator and He has designed us to trust Him on the issues of our life.  Trying to pray your way OUT of a situation isn't always the answer. That situation might be the very thing God will use to draw you closer to Him.  

What worrying accomplishes:

  • More Stress
  • Time Wasted
80% of what you worry about NEVER happens.  

There is nothing productive about worrying. You are wasting precious time and energy thinking negatively.  Find ways to think and speak more positively.  Spend time with those who will encourage you vs those that add to drama to your life.  Refocus your thoughts on what you have.  We are surrounded by blessings but if we focus on the negative it will trick us into thinking we don't have anything.  

Here is the Monday Challenge:  Stop being anxious!   Make a decision this week to think and speak positively.  Pray and ask God for guidance.  Leave us a comment and let us know how it goes.  (Posted by Roslyn)

"So don't worry about tomorrow..."  Matthew 6:34


  1. I am accepting this challenge for the week! I will let you know how it goes.

    As you know I've been struggling with FULLY trusting God and am trying to stop worrying about my job situation.

    "worry is the opposite of trust" this really hit me.

    1. Amy,

      We are believing God with you! Rest in His arms. Meditate on His word. All things are working for your good! We love you :)


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