Filled With Uncertainty

The journey of life is filled with ups and downs.  One moment we are gliding along at a steady pace. The next moment life can quickly be turned upside down.  The victims of Hurricane Sandy know exactly how fast life can change.  The "Superstorm" of our decade has claimed many lives and left a terrible amount of destruction in its path.

There are times when we can feel like "Hurricane Sandy" swept through our life.  Everything that was normal is now in disarray.  We are shaking our heads trying to figure out, "How did I get here"?  We must take comfort in knowing certain situations are out of our control.  We can make plans for our lives, but God can supersede those plans at any given moment.
Marco Island Sunset

You must not wait until the storm comes to anchor yourself in God's truths.  Start now, reflecting and thanking God for every moment of life.  Living water from within nourishes our souls.  Get away from the "noise" of life and hear His voice.  God is full of great wisdom and guidance. 

During those times of feeling unsettled, know that God is holding you in His hands.  He has your back and won't let you fall.  These are simple words but they hold a powerful truth.

To all those picking up the pieces of their lives, finances, relationships, health or careers let me encourage you with His word:

"...Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.  But take heart, because I have overcome the world." John 16:33 (Posted by Roslyn)


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