My Hospital Lesson

Just a few days ago, I was confined to the pediatric unit of a local hospital because of my son's health concerns.  What I believed would be a quick trip to the emergency room soon lead to a four day stay.  It was one of the hardest experiences for us because our son is only four years old and it's difficult to see your children (at any age) in pain or discomfort.  Sleeping in a chair, holding down my son for daily sticks to draw blood, and frequent nurse visits became the norm.  At times I would try to hide my tears because I didn't want him to see me upset.  It was his first time ever being in a hospital and at one point, all he could say was, "Mommy, I'm scared".  A part of me felt helpless because you must depend on the medical professionals to provide the care he desperately needs.  This time, a kiss on his "boo-boo" wasn't going to help.

On the day we were released from the hospital, my sister asked me a simple question, "What did you learn?" 

She reminded me that God didn't bring us through this situation, without teaching a lesson.  I was speechless.  I wasn't sure about the lesson learned.  I already knew God was a healer so that wasn't something I learned with this experience.  For the next few hours, I thought about her question.  Suddenly it hit me, I learned that Jordan knew Jesus' ability for himself.  Let me explain......

From the time I was pregnant with my children, I've always prayed that they would have their own relationship with Christ.  It doesn't do them any good to only know Christ through my husband and I.  They need to know Him for themselves.  

When I had to rush my son to the ER, he was having difficulty breathing.  There wasn't much he could communicate.  While we were moving through the registration and triage process, his condition worsened.  They rushed us back to immediately begin treatment.  As we were whisked away, I could faintly hear my baby say, "I will bless the Lord." 

He then repeated it.  "I will bless the Lord."

In Jordan's time of need, he didn't call out for his mommy or daddy, but he knew to praise Jesus.  In that moment, I knew that he would be fine.  Even though we would have to journey through the process, God's power in the situation would sustain us.  Jordan's confidence in God's ability would help my own doubts and fears.  That day I learned the most beautiful lesson in the hospital. (Posted by Renee)

They asked Jesus, “Do you hear what these children are saying?” “Yes,” Jesus replied. “Haven’t you ever read the Scriptures? For they say, ‘You have taught children and infants to give you praise.”  Matthew 21:16 (NLT)



    1. Inga,

      Thanks for the beautiful compliment. It's amazing what we can learn from our children. Blessings to you as well :)

  2. It's one of the worst feelings when my children are sick. I imagine that must've been a scary experience for both of you. Thankfully, the value that you and your husband have instilled in him of having his own relationship with Christ, even at 4 yo, is manifested. Glad he's doing better. Continued Blessings!

    1. Thanks Hope! The whole experience was life changing.


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