Inspired by Caregivers

Today, we are INSPIRED to honor and pray for those who are caregivers.  Technically speaking, a caregiver is a person who cares for someone who is sick or disabled.  It can also be an adult who cares for an infant or child.  Are you a caregiver?

If you are, today we want to encourage you to stay strong and healthy.  Here are a few lessons we've learned from you:

  1. You love unconditionally
  2. You endure countless hours of sitting in waiting rooms
  3. You unselfishly give of yourself
  4. You put the needs of others before your own 
  5. You understand a simple truth: We can't live life alone!

There are so many times we forget that their are times when we must depend on someone else.  Think about those you might know who's caring for a young baby, an elderly parent or someone who is physically or mentally disabled.  God sees every effort you are putting forth.  Others might not stop to say it, but we pause today to say THANK YOU!

There was a leader in the synagogue (Jairus), that was caring for his young daughter.  His life was full of activity as a working father, but he knew his daughter was near death.  He came to Jesus in desperation and asked Him to put his hands on the little girl so she could live.  Time passed and Jairus received news that his daughter indeed had died.  Jesus ignored the people's comments and simply spoke to the father, "Don't be afraid.  Just trust me."

That is the answer:  Don't be fearful or worry.  God is with you and He won't abandon you!

I pray this simple truth encourages you as you press forward today. May He give you renewed strength to handle the mighty tasks in front of you.  Don't be afraid.  Just trust Him! (Posted by Roslyn)


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