Friday's Favorites- Our Top 3 Travel Spots

Waldorf Astoria Hotel
Naples, FL (one of our favorites)

Roslyn and I love to travel.  We are blessed that our families are able to travel together yearly.  Whether it's a road trip to a family reunion, a beach trip with our girlfriends or a peaceful week in the mountains, our vacations are always an exciting time.  We are busy moms, wives, and career women who work hard so naturally we should play hard!  Even God rested during the time He spoke creation into existence.

Genesis 2:1-2 (NIV)

Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.  By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.

A "time-out" is necessary for reflection, restoration, and relaxation.  We thought we would list our top 3 (ok, we gave you 4) travel spots to help inspire you to take a well deserved break.

North Carolina/Tennessee State Line
August 2012

  1. Gatlinburg & Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
  2. Savannah, Georgia
  3. Red Rock Canyon, NV
  4. Hoover Dam
    Red Rock Canyon, NV
  5. BONUS:  Florida beaches

Miami Beach, FL

Life is precious.  Time will not wait for you.  Live. Love. Laugh.  You are a child of the precious King.  Enjoy the beauty He surrounds you with each and everyday.  While you're enjoying life, let us know your favorite travel spot.  It just might inspire our next vacation.  (Posted by Renee)


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