Caution: Speed Bump Ahead

As many of you know, Renee and I love to run.  This past weekend I ran 4 miles while my son was in baseball practice.  Most times I run when he practices on Saturday morning.  We usually are at the field for over 3 hours so instead of sitting, I use my time wisely and sneak in some exercise.

On the path I normally take the sign, SPEED BUMP AHEAD, caught my eye.  I'm not really sure why, but it did.  I have run past this sign many times before.  Maybe it was the pretty yellow flowers that are blooming on the tree located next to the sign (I love color).  I've recently been asked to pray for many people in situations that are scary and completely out of their control.

In life, don't you wish we had signs like this - SPEED BUMP AHEAD?

If we did, we would know to slow down or prepare for the next bump coming our way.  But life just gives us "bumps" without any warning.

Our job is to live life to the fullest always moving forward towards our destiny.  Life can change so quickly and has many swift transitions. In one quick moment you are full of health, an accident occurs and you are bed ridden for several months.  You've worked at the same job since high school and then after 23 years the company decides to downsize and eliminate your position.

Have you ever experienced a life with speed bumps?  How did you handle the bumpy road ahead?

Many times those bumps pull the greatest strength out of us.  We really don't know how strong we are until it is put to the test.  We must learn to discipline our lives so that when the speed bumps come we soar through them with joy and peace.  We, of course, are not physically happy about the situation we are in. But joyful that God is with us and has it ALL under His control.

Think about when you set up that dreaded dentist appointment.  You can't wait to the week before to start flossing and brushing your teeth.  To have a successful appointment with no cavities or root canals needed, you must acquire a daily discipline to brush and floss twice a day for the many months leading up to your appointment.

It is the same way with our own life.  A daily discipline of mediation and prayer helps prepare us for those "bumpy road" experiences.  That doesn't mean we will have a life free of pain and sorrow, but our reaction to those challenges will be quite different when we enjoy quiet moments to hear God's voice.

Are you living a life of discipline? Discipline of thoughts, finances and positive choices?

Here are a few "speed bump" experiences I'm currently praying for:

  • recovery of newborn baby in hospital after liver surgery
  • friend who 57 year old husband recently died
  • 15 year old daughter making bad decisions 
  • elderly mother with dementia who fell and hit her head
  • loss of job after 17 years of being in the same industry

Let me know how I can pray for you today if you are also experiencing a "bumpy road" obstacle. (Posted by Roslyn)


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