Good Things DO Come To Those Who Wait


My weekends are usually normal:  yoga, baseball, church, and grocery shopping are the mundane routine.  But, this weekend my family celebrated two huge milestones: 

  1. Birthday party for my youngest son (he's now 8 yrs old)
  2. My oldest son returned to pitching  (after being away for 7 months)

My oldest son, Tyler,  suffered an elbow injury in baseball back in Sept 2012.  He was not able to pitch, throw or bat for several months.  Although I selfishly enjoyed time away from the ball field, it was gut wrenching to see my son crave for the sport he is so passionate about.

Family vacation  - Tyler in cast
We spent numerous amounts of time in the doctor's office trying to understand why he was in so much pain.  His x-rays initially showed inflammation but thankfully, no injury was sustained that needed surgery.  The doctor suggested he rest and take time off for about six weeks.  

Unfortunately, the pain continued.  In November he was put in a cast.  The only great part for him were all of the "girls" that came to sign it.  The cast came off, but the pain remained so we immediately started physical therapy (PT).

The time and effort it takes to complete these PT sessions put our entire world into disarray.  But, we were faithful because we wanted to see Tyler return to the game he so desperately loved.  In February 2013, he returned to the outfield and within a few games the pain reemerged.  UGH!!! I know I should have a fancier word, but that's exactly how I felt.

I encouraged Tyler to enjoy the break and focus his thoughts only on his recovery.  "Don't question why this is happening, just know that God has a reason for you to rest".  Thankfully, children are resilient.  Tyler would still attend practice and games to cheer for his team.  My son has played baseball since he was 4 years old.  The majority of his life (8 years) has been spent learning, training, and developing his baseball technique.

Tyler (on Saturday) returned to the game! 

He was finally able to pitch but his coach allowed only one inning.  My heart flood with emotion as I saw him warm up to throw that coveted first pitch.  I held my breath.  I knew he was nervous.  Every parent screamed after the first pitch was a strike.  All I remember hearing was, "HE'S BACK".  Needless to say, Tyler came back to the game stronger than before.  He pitched only 11 balls in the bottom of the sixth inning.  Eight of those pitches were strikes!  With each batter he faced, Tyler's confidence grew and a giddy grin appeared on his face.

Not only did God heal and strengthen his arm, God taught my son a valuable lesson:


Tyler, on Saturday, returned to pitching!
Sometimes we become used to our "new normal".  In fact we can become so comfortable we settle in and take up residence there.  I knew my son would, at some point, return.  I just didn't know when.  As a family, we kept him focused on his recovery. It truly is easy to become lazy and not do anything while you wait.

During the process of waiting he wasn't sitting idly by.  He found other exercises (running and biking) to help develop his leg muscles.  He also started lifting light weights to strengthen his wrist, shoulder and elbow once the cast came off.

We will ALL have waiting times in our life. The question is, what will we do with them?  

If we decide to do nothing, we will have success but it will be at nothing.  If we put the time in and focus, we will return to the game stronger - just like Tyler. Waiting develops our perseverance. 

We must be intentional with our actions even during our "wait" times.  As the saying goes,  "good things come to those who wait".  Just make sure you aren't waiting passively but actively as you prepare for the next door that opens in your life.  

On a side note:  We continue to pray for Tyler's complete healing and will take these next few months very slow. (Posted by Roslyn)

Leave us a comment with your "WELL WISHES" for Tyler.


  1. Way to go Tyler! You are growing up to be such an awesome young man! Keep taking care of that arm, you'll need it when you win the World Series one day!

    1. Thanks Sandy for those beautiful words of encouragement. We believe that God has great things in store for Tyler. Blessings!

  2. You were awesome Tyler! It was wonderful to see you on the hill! And the support from your teammates was so heartwarming! I think they were as excited as your mom and dad!! Keep up the hard work kid! Cherri (Clane's mom)

    1. Cherri,

      Thanks for reading the blog post and sharing the enthusiasm regarding Tyler's return to pitching. We are so excited for him!


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