Has God Left Me?

Boston Marathon Bombing...3 Girls Held In Captivity For 10 years...12 Year Old Boy Stabs His Younger Sister...Killings in Sandy Hook Elementary

The list can go on and on.  The headline news stories are scary.  These over sensationalized headlines leave us gasping and wondering, "What has happened to our world"? Our world moves fast and we are privy to news stories as they are unfolding.  Many times we are receiving the information prematurely.  We make up our minds quickly on who is guilty.  We read half the story and sit at the water cooler speaking confidently as if we know all the facts of the case.

Are you starting to wonder if GOD has left you?

Recently, a woman I truly admire for her deep faith and Christian convictions looked at me and asked, "Why does God allow these things to happen?"  Her question has stayed with me for weeks.  I wanted to ask her that same question, but surprisingly she asked me first.  Some things are just incomprehensible and can't be explained.  As my sister once said, "You just can't explain crazy!"  

The question started me thinking that if a woman with deep faith questions GOD, so are other people.  It is hard to grasp the scope of darkness in our world until we see it splashed over the 6:00 news.  The headlines are becoming more and more wicked, vicious and disgusting. News anchors are left to report on some of the most horrifying events in our history and within seconds move to the next news story.

Behind that story, lives are broken.  Human bodies bear the guilt, shame and horror of their attack.  Children and families are destroyed.  Years of therapy are warranted for the evil that changed their life in an instant.  Marathon survivors are learning how to walk again.  Mothers are grieving the death of their children.  It is not a 30 second news story for each victim/survivor, for them it will be a lifelong journey of healing.

How can you shift the negativity away from you:
  1. Read the news, don't watch it on TV
  2. Limit social media
  3. Surround yourself with positive people 
  4. STOP talking 
  5. PRAY
Reading the newspaper is a wonderful way to filter the news you take in.  Give yourself 30 minutes a day for social media -Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, etc.  This will help you manage your time. It will also provide limited access to constant, live news feeds on social media.  Keep a great group of friends nearby to help lift you when your feeling down.  Some days you just need to laugh, and a great friend with positive energy can offer that.

Stop speaking the latest drama from the news to every person you see.  The more you speak it, the more YOU give the story power. Ask God to help you process what is happening in our world.  Love and forgive through His eyes.  Rely on Him to move you through those tough moments.  Try and create new memories.  If a news story makes you relive a painful time in your past, find a way to create a new memory to replace the painful memory. Consistently PRAY that God heals our world.

Together, as a country, we will heal from this pain.  We are the strongest and most resilient people on the face of this planet.  By the way, God has NOT left you!  He promises, in scripture, to never leave or abandon us.

ENCOURAGEMENT:  "Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.  But take heart, because I have overcome the world." John 16:33 (Posted by Roslyn)


  1. This is such a timely reminder that God has Not left us...even in the face of "natural" disasters like what is happening in Oklahoma. It's amazing that although we are spiritually strong it is sometimes difficult to begin to comprehend why God allows certain things to happen..when we look and see the evil and devastation in the world. Great tips to disconnect from the negativity Roslyn.

    1. Hope,

      Thanks for your response and your continued support of our blog!


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