He Romanced Us!

Ready to enjoy the weekend!

Excitement. Pure Bliss. Exquisite. Peaceful.

Those are just some of the words I can use to describe our girls weekend on last week. 

4 best friends + perfect weather = The most amazing time!

How can I sum up a weekend that we wait for all year long?  Just think about it.... 

No kids.  No husbands. No schedules. 

Roslyn and Kwani catching up

Just three days to catch up, eat like crazy, and soak up some sun.  We start the weekend with hugs, pictures, and long talks.  We weren't in our resort room long before the conversations started to emerge.   Late nights and early mornings were the order for the weekend.  We were so grateful to have this time together because great friendships are good for the soul.  Our relationships should be developed and nurtured through good and bad times.  It's similar to our relationship with Christ.

This year's trip was a little different for me.  It was better than year's before on so many levels.  I'm in a different place in my life than I was just a year ago.  This new season in my life is freeing.  I'm able to engage in each moment more.  I felt as if God was romancing me in such a special way this year.  The sunrise was bright and vivid.  The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was more pleasant to my ears than I remembered in the past.  The beautiful white caps on the waves looked like snow from a distance.  The horizon in the far off distance made all my dreams and visions seem closer than ever before. 

I believe God was getting my attention through nature's beauty in such a special way.  Everyday His passion toward us is evident with chirping birds, warm sunshine, green grass and blue skies.  How often do we take time to enjoy it?  When was the last time you opened yourself to allow the lover of your soul, God our Creator, call to you and you answer?  He's pursuing us constantly.  He places rainbows in the sky after a storm just to let you know He's still there.  He has a FIERCE devotion toward us.  Let Him in.  He loves you! (Posted by Renee)


Hosea 2:14 (MSG)

14-15 “And now, here’s what I’m going to do:
    I’m going to start all over again.
I’m taking her back out into the wilderness
    where we had our first date, and I’ll court her.
I’ll give her bouquets of roses.
    I’ll turn Heartbreak Valley into Acres of Hope.
She’ll respond like she did as a young girl,
    those days when she was fresh out of Egypt.

Getting ready for our day at the beach!


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