Keep Calm & Don't Lose Your Head

These words speak to me.  Lately, I have felt a bit depleted when it comes to my inspiration for others.  When you deal with your own twists and turns in your life, you don't always have an inspiring word to encourage someone else.  That's why I try not to live based on my emotions or feelings.  Those twins - emotions and feelings - can lead me down a wrong track.

I encourage you this week to just keep calm and handle the ups and downs with grace.  You are not alone in this journey of life.  Changing your perspective and focusing on only what is helps keep you calm.  Don't overthink or overanalyze every situation, women do this easily.  Have a support system that listens and doesn't always try to judge and solve your problems.

My stress has caused break outs on my face.  A recent dentist appointment revealed that I'm also grinding my teeth at night...not pretty.  Stress can evoke several harmful reactions within our body, so just KEEP CALM.  Be inspired this week to breath and operate from a place of peace (Posted by Roslyn)

Don't fret or worry.  Instead of worrying, pray... Philippians 4:6
Roslyn chooses to SMILE!


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