Summer Confessions

I have to blog twice this week.  Once for Double Portion Inspiration and again on Friday for GFC Beautiful Blog.  I thought having a similar theme for both blogs would make writing a little easier.  I thought about the title the other day while driving in the car.  A post that's fun and reflective.  There's no rhyme or reason to my confessions.  Just some "summer" fun.

  • I've never shopped at Big Lots
    • As much as I love a deal, I've never even been tempted to shop there.  The other day I wondered if I should go inside.  I don't even know if it's a grocery store vs. clothing store vs. Walmart wanna be.  If you think I should venture inside, let me know.

  • I feel guilty giving my daughter chores 
    • Not sure why??  I'm sure I'm not the only mother who feels this way.  I've come to realize that I need to have the kids help out around the house because it's through their responsibilities that they will learn how to manage their own homes when the time comes.

  • I was a thumb sucker (even into adulthood)
    • I'm often told I have a beautiful smile.  Most wouldn't know that that I sucked my thumb well into my adult years.  Fortunately I'm blessed with my mother's smile because I've never had braces.

  • I love the "Sound of Music"
    • I watch it every time it comes on television.  It's a beautiful love story.

  • I've never watched "Roots"
    • Yes, I'm a Black woman whose never seen the movie. I've seen it in bits and pieces but some parts of it are so hard to watch that I choose not to watch it in its entirety. The same holds true for "12 Years A Slave".

  • I don't like being alone
    • Some enjoy the peace of quiet of their own space but I don't.  I've always had someone with me and so it's my norm.  Don't get me wrong, I like some "me" time every now and then, but at my core, I love people and the sound and thrills that being in relationship with others can bring.

Well, that's my Monday morning inspiration.  Nothing earth shattering or life changing.  Just a few things you might not know about me.  (Posted by Renee)


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