Sad but true, rejection is a natural part of life.  There are many parents that might have a problem saying, "no" to their children, but eventually that child will experience the bitter sting of rejection.  In the month of February, many anxious high school seniors found out if they were accepted or denied an opportunity to attend the university or college of their choice.  You can believe there were many that were experiencing extreme happiness and some unfortunately felt the pain of being rejected.

Even as adults, we struggle to find meaning on why someone rejects us in a relationship or our workplace.  We have all the qualifications to add value to a company but they intentionally move on to another candidate.  In the midst of the emotion you will feel, realize that:

The rejection does NOT define who you are!

There is not one person, organization, club, team, competition, school or university that holds that much control over us.  My mom has always told me, "wear this life like loose clothing".  Don't become attached to your material stuff, titles or people because it can be quickly taken away.

There are stories of so many athletes that have been thrust into the spotlight and with a few weeks of unfavorable statistics those same fans are rejecting their athletic performance.

After rejection occurs, spend time focusing on where you want to BE, not where you are today.  Remain positive.  Rejection does not mean denial.  It could just mean wait until another time.  Many of you have experienced closed doors, only to now thank God for closing a door that would have led to uncertainty and just wasn't the right timing.

"Whatever you focus on today, you give permission to exist in your life tomorrow". 
~Cindy Trimm

Move forward positively, intentionally choosing not to focus on the rejection.  Focus on the many blessings that surround you - YOU are strong!


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