I am for ME!

Isn't it easy in our world to ONLY be focused on ME - my plans, my agenda, my preferences, my reputation, my kids, etc. At this point you can have anything customized to your taste, from the food you eat in a restaurant, the temperature in your home, smartphone screen and even the firmness of your mattress. It's all designed to fit your taste.

How can I NOT be focused on myself when everyone else is?

Magazines, billboards, gyms, and commercials plead with you to take time for yourself. But it really will mean more revenue for them if you spend money on their products that they highly suggest you need in your life.

It is easy for me to look around and associate with only those that look, talk and agree with my way of thinking. But is that helping the greater good of humanity?

How can WE be positive and light in a dark world, if we didn't expand our own borders to include those that are different from us?

There will always be those in the world that don't agree with you. Don't distance yourself from them. Your treatment of them in a loving and kind way, EVEN when they don't agree, shows them an alternative way to be treated.

You can't change them! You can only change your response to them.

Sometimes we have to just agree to disagree.

I realized I was isolating myself from those that were different. I was pro ME, pro my religion, pro my race, pro my political party, etc. I fell into the trap like so many Americans. We are all different and that is the beauty that makes us unique.

Choose not to isolate yourself from those that have a different political party, different race, different religion or different views of life.

Embrace Diversity

My yoga buddies

Diversity adds to our uniqueness

Now more than ever we have to wrap our head, heart and minds around understanding our differences. I've found when you do, guess what, you start to realize you are more alike than you are different.

Find the common ground you have with others. It could be love of scrapbooking, photography, running, yoga, fishing, reading, sports, gaming, etc. Let that lead your conversations NOT what you don't like about each others view on life. (Roslyn)

When I am with those who are oppressed, I share their oppression so that I might bring them to Christ. Yes, I try to find COMMON GROUND with everyone so that I might bring them to Christ. I do all this to spread the Good News, and in doing so I enjoy its blessings. ~I Corinthians 9:22-23


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