In God we Trust. Really?

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Everyday we are bombarded with images of division and evil in our country. Sometimes you walk away from the television wondering, are we really one nation under God? Why does it seem like we are moving further and further away from God? I now realize, from my own personal journey,  one important fact.

To be healed from your past, you must confront the painful areas that are buried deep. 

That's true in my life, your life and it's true for our country. The journey to uncover and deal with your past can be dark, often hurts and maybe full of tears. However, it's all necessary to adequately complete the healing process.

Three years ago I found myself in a broken place. During a women's conference I attended, God brought me to my knees. It was sudden and unexpected. There was a broken area of my life that I never confronted. My way of coping was to bury my feelings and not deal. God had a different plan.

In that moment during the conference, the memory of it all came flooding back and I knew a season of brokenness was on the horizon. 

To give myself the time needed to heal, I stepped down from church responsibilities and allowed God's gentle whispers to restore my soul, piece by piece. If you find yourself in a dark place with images of your past invading your mental space, remember that God is your healer and He wants nothing more than your FREEDOM!

My situation relates to what we see happening in our country today. The darkness, pain, division and confusion that we witness each and everyday is a reflection of an unpleasant and nasty history that is now bubbling to the surface so that we can confront, deal and heal.

Racism, bigotry, and hate is not new.

It's been here and if you haven't been a victim of it, count yourself blessed. Could it be, we're going through the uncovering and unmasking of these ills in our society because there's restoration on the way? That's what I believe. Don't worry or fret about what you see in the world today. God is in control and He doesn't waste any experience to be used for His glory. Be mindful that He is not the author of evil. It was inevitable when sin entered this world. God is merciful and loving and desires that none should perish. Not even you!

Remember, you cannot heal what you won't confront.

Our country will only grow stronger in unity once we return to our foundation in God and focus on brighter days. Colossians 4:2 commands us to continue praying, keeping alert and always thanking God. As you trust Him with every fiber of your being, He will make changes in this nation. Remember, in God we trust! (Posted by Renee)


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