The Morning After

If you live here in the United States it is the morning after one of the most polarizing Mid Term elections. The democratic process has spoken and the winners in each race, for the most part, have been declared.

Some of us had our candidate WIN and some of us had our candidate LOSE, now what?

First, realize that all hope is NOT lost. We now shift our focus to praying for each of the elected officials. They have the steep task of making good on ALL those campaign promises. As we know some things are easier said than done. When our elected officials succeed, WE win no matter their political party.

Second, salvation will NOT come from a party or a single candidate. It will take ALL of us digging in to start the necessary change at home. It starts at home. I have many friends that are teachers and they all say the best training starts at home. Schools are NOT the sole answer to kids problems. In the same way that government is NOT the answer to all of our problems either.

We CAN commit to have a higher level of kindness as we go about our daily tasks. We must have the discernment to know when to speak UP and when to shut UP.  In certain circumstances, silence can be more powerful than speaking and degrading someone else. Love will speak louder than hate.

Finally, victory comes from the Lord. David says it best:

Victory comes from you, O Lord.
May your blessings rest on your people.
Psalm 3:8

Breathe! If you really are that unhappy know that time marches on. This too will pass. Be encouraged that in the best and worst of our days in this country, the United States is still here. God Bless America!

I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn’t like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27


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