The 2018 midterm election is looming. There are some people that feel it doesn’t matter, nothing seems to change. Some might feel numb, desensitized and indifferent to what is currently happening to our society.

Are the rules of decency being rewritten?

I feel anxious, after 3 hate crimes in 1 week - what is next?

Who will help preserve Mother Earth?

What WORLD am I leaving for my kids?

The answer to many of those questions are answered as we evoke our democratic process and VOTE. Don’t become indifferent to the state of affairs around you. Don’t be lulled into any false sense of security.

Your VOTE matters. 

Renee and I take it seriously and spend weeks educating ourselves on the Amendments, the candidates, their platform and their priorities. Don’t rely on news outlet or negative ad sound bites. Do your OWN research and find the candidate that best speaks to YOUR unique needs.

If you are feeling afraid or anxious in light of the recent attacks of domestic terrorism - here is a scripture that has helped me (thank you Felicia). I use it as part of my daily affirmations.

But when I am afraid, I put my trust in you! ~Psalm 56:3


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