This IS Our Year - 2019!


Renee and I have declared that 2019 is OUR year. This year we celebrate 8 years of blogging. Eight years of being inspired by YOU, our faithful readers. We receive encouraging comments on social media and also in person about how this blog has been a blessing. We are deeply grateful for YOU choosing to read while commuting, sitting at work, sitting on your couch, sitting at the doctor's office, or even reading while on the treadmill.

This year we are committing to give inspiring advice that has helped us in the past. Many mistakes have been made. Renee and I have learned that if we don't acknowledge them, learn and heal from them, we will end up making the exact SAME mistake.

During 2019, we will cover topics such as healthy eating, motivation, mental clarity, parenting, financial wealth and exercise. Each of these topics have great meaning in our lives. We want to inspire you to constantly evolve and elevate as you move through the rest of 2019.

The lessons learned in 2018 are bountiful. Renee and I both landed in a place of complete and total rest at the end of the year due to medical surgeries. It wasn't planned, it's just the way God ordered our steps. During that time we had a chance to sit still and listen to how God was speaking to us collectively but also individually.


This 1st post of 2019 is all about your ONE word for the year. It's a word that you will use in every situation you encounter. It's a word that will ground you and keep you balanced through the ups and downs of 2019.

Last year my word was - EXPLORE. I was facing so many new chapters in my life and I didn't want to be afraid to explore a new adventure.

This year my word is - EVOLVE. I truly believe this world is changing faster than we realize. My family is dynamically maturing. Soon I will be an empty nester facing retirement. How will I continue to evolve in each of these situations?

God is making all things NEW, so I choose to continue to evolve and grow. Those things that stay the same will eventually die. I want to be on the infinite path of growing.

What about you?

What's your ONE word for 2019?

Don't make that list of resolutions that is SO hard to achieve. Just think about ONE word for your BEST year. (Posted by Roslyn)

This is our BEST year.

From our family to yours - Happy New Year!

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