This is why you are stressed!

What happens if I just get in my car and drive?
Where will I end up?
What will I see along the way?

This is how many of us are pacing through life - NO plan and NO end goal in mind. I truly believe this is the reason that so many of us are stressed. Life is just happening all around us and we are numb and overwhelmed through all of it.

Remember that feeling when you said, "Happy New Year" just a FEW days ago. You said to yourself, "this is my year". It was less than a month ago that many of us committed to ourselves that this year would be different. Do NOT let that optimism die. February 1st is this week and we can't afford to waste anymore time.

For you to know where you are going, you must develop a PLAN. 

Not just a broad plan but a very specific plan that will yield RESULTS. During my goal setting time, I like to create plans that are S.M.A.R.T.

S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Applicable
R = Relevant
T = Time Bound

When you build this type of plan, chances are you will achieve your goal. Here are examples of BROAD goals:

I want to lose weight. 
I want to be debt free. 
I want to go back to school.

Most of the time these BROAD goals will lead us to the end of the year without seeing any results. We get SO frustrated that our goals haven't become reality. We can get our mouths to SAY anything, but if we don't intentionally plan to take action, NOTHING happens.

Now, here are some examples of S.M.A.R.T. goals:

  • I will stop eating french fries for one week. I will walk for 15 minutes, at any pace, after every meal (that adds up to almost 45 extra minutes of exercise).

This goal is achievable because you give yourself a timeframe to complete a portion of your larger goal. At the end of the week you can reward yourself for achieving your milestone and that positive reinforcement will build your confidence in knowing, you can do it again. Before you know it you have lost weight and feeling so proud of your accomplishment.

  • I will use my tax refund check in March to pay down my credit card. I will hold off on any purchases over $50 for two weeks. That means no online or in store shopping for 2 weeks.
This goal is specific and gives a time for the goal to be completed. Once you achieve a milestone, keep giving yourself another relevant goal and see how quickly you can chip away at your debt.

  • I will call the community college to research the continuing education programs in my local area.
Again, large goals can seem overwhelming. Break it down into BITE size pieces and then you will start to see results. Going back to school starts with researching on the internet and then picking up the phone if you have more questions. It's that simple.

Setting that goal gives you a ROADMAP to where you are going. It's not too late to start that goal planning for 2019. CHIP away and start to see results. You can DO it, you are worth it. (posted by Roslyn)

**Please note the above examples are just that - an example.


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