4 Ways to Overcome Fear!

Fear is defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous and will likely cause pain. For some, it’s an emotion they feel daily. Everyone feels fear and everyone gets anxious at some point. Unfortunately, our world today nurtures an atmosphere of fear. Whether it’s through social media or news outlets, we’re bombarded with fear and anxiety. Often the two emotions travel together. If you’re not careful, instead of the emotions coming and leaving quickly, they will linger and before you know it, you are dwelling in both the emotions. Over the past few years, I’ve learned how to overcome fear. Not manage it but OVERCOME it! Its been a process but if you follow these four steps, I promise that your fear will subside. 1. Read the Bible - it is full of scriptures that help combat fear. 2. Pray - share with God what you’re feeling. Be open and honest. 3. Be thankful and focus on the good in your life - what yo...