Surviving Working Remotely!

LIFE as we know it has changed. Many of us are experiencing disruptions to our normal activity due to the coronavirus. We are all bracing for impact not knowing what to expect.

One reality for many people is working remotely. I've worked from home for almost 2 decades. Although I travel often, when I am home I work from my home office. The ability to have a fast WIFI connection and a laptop ensures your capacity to work remotely, no matter where you are. Please realize, not every job has the flexibility to work remotely.

I wanted to share a few tips to make this new reality work.

  • Create A Space
It is important for you to have a space within your home designated for you to work. It can be a dining room table or a desk in a guest bedroom. You won't have all the features of an office environment like a high quality color printer, water cooler or yummy expresso machine but you CAN make this work. 
  • Dress for the Occassion
Just because you are working from home does NOT mean you don't need to dress for the occasion. You want to put on an attire just as if you were going into the office. You never know when you will be called into a virtual meeting and most laptops have a camera that sees everything. Make sure you are dressed for the occasion even if you keep your slippers on.
  • Be Mindful
You will see that most likely you are more productive completing those projects because you won't have all the "people" interruptions as you do in a normal day. Time can get away from you quickly. Be mindful of stopping for lunch (I schedule it on my calendar) and shutting down in the evening at a decent hour. 
Now, with more daylight you can be working until 7pm and not realize it's time to leave. After you power down, go for a brisk walk to clear your mind. Consider this your "commute" for the day. The walk will give you exercise to boost your immune system AND a fresh new perspective.

Renee and I pray that each of you will have sustained health. To our first responders and medical professionals on the front line - we thank you.  Choose to stay INFORMED and not ALARMED. WE will get through this together.  ~Posted by Roslyn


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