I Am Discouraged!

Our world is changing right before our eyes. We are now, more than ever, aware of the fragility of our world. The systems that we've put our security in are collapsing around us. Our grocery stores shelves are empty, malls are closed, sports are shut down, churches & synagogues are closed, schools are closed and our financial investments are plummeting in value. In all candidness, I have been discouraged.

What about you?

The sound of this virus has been SILENCE. Main avenues through downtown are empty. Broadway is empty, libraries and movie theaters are empty. The sound of silence and the unknown leaves us feeling more vulnerable than ever. I am learning like many of you, to keep my social media time to a minimum and watch the news only when necessary.

I'm learning how to plug into the blessings that are all around me as our world goes through a GLOBAL PAUSE. We've asked for more time to get things done - now we have it. We've asked for more time with our family - now we have it. We've asked to have less time commuting to work - now we have it. Students have asked to have more time away from school - now they have it. Our PRAYERS have been answered, just not in the way we thought it would.

I've since shifted my perspective from discouragement to thankfulness. I must admit, I have to do this often. The more I hear, the more fear tries to creep in. I am intentionally working to create new experiences. This past weekend I was able to host a virtual party (complete with music and activities). I took a virtual dance class with Debbie Allen. A dream come true to be in her dance studio (even if it is just through my iphone). I baked a chocolate cake for the first time.

Before you know it, life will be back to a "new" normal. The virus will end. We will look back and remember these chaotic months as distant memories. For now let's realize that families are gathering around tables to eat, work, play and study. The HOME is now the CENTER of our communities.

Don't allow this time to just be wasted away on social media, streaming services and binge watching. I challenge you to create a QUARANTINE BUCKET LIST. What about:

  1. Learning how to play a new game (maybe chess) 
  2. Starting a journal/blog
  3. Reading a book
  4. Trying a new recipe
  5. Completing a puzzle
  6. Writing letters to those in hospitals or nursing homes
  7. Call an old friend
  8. Take a virtual art class
  9. Start a new workout
  10. Create a gratitude jar
  11. Organize your pantry
  12. Clean out closets & donate clothes 
  13. Purge old email / purge photo camera roll
  14. Put on music and dance like no one is watching
  15. Learn a new language (may I suggest sign language)
Allow yourself to create new experiences. This will help shift your perspective from discouragement to thankfulness. Take time to BE STILL. Check on your family and friends, many are struggling through this crisis. Sometimes hearing a familiar voice recalibrates our attitude. Pray for local, state and federal officials. Pray for those on the front lines like grocers, first responders and medical staff. Stay encouraged. ~Posted by Roslyn

I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me. ~Psalm 16:8 (NLT)


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