Is it really a Happy Mother's Day?

Mother's Day isn't always a joyous occasion. Especially if you've lost your mother. The pain is intense. It is heartbreaking and Mother's Day is just another reminder that she's gone and no longer here with you in the physical.

Wouldn't you know that the Bible shares a beautiful story of loss, grief, and the steps that follow.

In the first chapter of Joshua, he is also grieving. Joshua is a young man that walked side by side with Moses up until he passed away at the age of 110. He's experiencing grief and pain because Moses is now dead. During the time that Moses led the children of Israel out of bondage, Joshua was right there. Even though this story isn't about a mom and child, it's about a relationship between two people from different generations. It's believed that Joshua was about 50-60 years younger than Moses.

In the midst of grieving, God shares the following with Joshua:

 After the death of Moses, the Lord’s disciple, God spoke to Moses’ assistant, whose name was Joshua (the son of Nun), and said to him,“Now that my disciple is dead, you are the new leader of Israel. Lead my people across the Jordan River into the Promised Land. I say to you what I said to Moses: ‘Wherever you go will be part of the land of Israel— all the way from the Negeb Desert in the south to the Lebanon mountains in the north, and from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the Euphrates River in the east, including all the land of the Hittites.’ No one will be able to oppose you as long as you live, for I will be with you just as I was with Moses; I will not abandon you or fail to help you.Be strong and brave, for you will be a successful leader of my people; and they shall conquer all the land I promised to their ancestors. You need only to be strong and courageous and to obey to the letter every law Moses gave you, for if you are careful to obey every one of them, you will be successful in everything you do.

For those of you that are experiencing grief and pain during this Mother's Day weekend, hold onto the truth of verse 5 where it promises us that God will never abandon or fail you. Even though your mother is no longer here with you on Earth, God is still right by your side. Matter of fact, He left the Holy Spirit to remain with you as a great comforter.

We decree and declare that you will be strong, brave and courageous! If this is your first Mother's Day without your sweet mom, just know that Roslyn and I are praying for God's peace to overtake you! You are loved! (Posted by Renee Scott)  


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