Just Don't Care!

Can you believe this was the advice that I gave to a small business owner facing a large hurdle?


There are moments in our life that we handle with great care and concern. There are other times when we have to release and surrender away the worry and anxiety. I noticed very quickly that I was spending a large potion of time digesting the fast pace news stories regarding the pandemic. The virus was changing and mutating so quickly the guidelines given seemed obsolete before they were released to the public. We were bracing for a storm that had no "time of arrival".


I am intentional to protect myself and others while I am out in public. I will act as a respectful citizen, but I don't have to hang on every negative news story to feel safe. Psalm 91:11 reminds me that angels have charge over my life. I realized that ingesting all that information was becoming a source of anxiety.

When you are faced with situations and events that are so perplexing and crushing how do you proceed? Much of our fear comes with thinking about the worst possible outcome. Mulling it over in our heads day after day.

Think about it - What do you really fear most in regards to this pandemic? What if it actually happens? How do you arrive at the place where you:


This is the place of complete SURRENDER. Full faith becomes activated. You finally realize you can NOT control the future. It's why prayer is such a powerful tool. It allows me the opportunity to release the stress, strain and worry to GOD. I release it to God, who can bear and shoulder it all.

Because of His ability to handle it, I don't have to. There is NO limit to God's capacity to either change the situation OR give me the GRACE to keep moving through the challenging situation. It doesn't mean everyday will be easy or a bed of roses. But through the power and strength of Jesus Christ I can move through it.

How about you give it a try? Try to surrender (release) what has you bound so tightly to fear and worry. Fasten your thoughts around what is POSITIVE vs what is negative.

I read today during World War II, George Washington Carver encouraged others to plant victory gardens. These gardens would help families sustain their nutritional needs but also provide another level of focus. Let your garden be a source of peace during this pandemic.

I love this quote by N. Astrid Hoffman with a family owned seed company in California:

"The act of planting a seed is an act of faith in tomorrow."

Plant your victory garden either outside or even in your house. Plant a garden of gratitude and thankfulness. Cater to the needs of others by sending an encouraging text or video. Planting strong seeds in our community during a pandemic will shift our focus and bring forth a bountiful harvest. (Posted by Roslyn)

HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY - We thank all the families that have lost loved ones in the military. We remember their service and their sacrifice.


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