COURAGE During Chaos

In these unprecedented times most people are feeling that life is out of control. In fact, 80% of voters feel this way. One person I spoke with said, "I wake up every morning with a sad heart."

I've come to realize that some of the greatest progression in history comes during times of chaos and commotion. We have certainly entered a time that has an all new normal. Simple activities like grocery shopping and getting a haircut require a new process.

In our quest to make sense of what's going on, imagine the conversations in homes with children, teenagers and young adults. In the midst of adversity, humanity collectively feels unsettled with all that is happening in our world and communities.

Each day we wake up, we face a new set of fears and worries. Trouble seems to be pressing in and we are fighting to find the JOY of each day. How do we keep moving forward? How do we stop the self defeating thoughts in our minds? When grieving and sadness become as common as air, how do we move forward?

We move forward with COURAGE

Nelson Mandela said it best, "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, be he who conquers that fear."

We will have to move forward with COURAGE. Now, there is a choice - be paralyzed with fear OR move forward in the face of fear. But, what if we intentionally choose to change our perspective and realize, this moment in history is an opportunity.

An opportunity to think differently about what matters most.
An opportunity to slow down.
An opportunity to consistently connect with family.
An opportunity to realize our biases.
An opportunity to reinvent ourselves.
An opportunity to give back to our communities.
An opportunity to emerge as a stronger human.

Be aware - the place of familiarity will try and grip you and make you wish for the "days of old." Remember just a few months ago you could enter a mall without a mask. Those "old days" NO longer exist.

It takes COURAGE just to get UP out of that bed every morning. COURAGE to understand the next chapter of living. COURAGE to believe that all of this is just temporary. This too shall pass.

Renee and I are here to encourage you to KEEP going. Even when you are facing fear right in the face - KEEP going.

"...Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
~ John 16:33 NLT


  1. Wow ladies! Did I need to hear this today! Thank you for posting this and I will continue to work on my "courage" and not looking at the past! Love you!


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