Provision in POT(s)

Many times we limit our ability to be provided for by only the paycheck earned with a job or side hustle. We narrow our focus to only look at money in a bank account as a gauge of provision. God can provide beyond our wildest desires.

I am on a mission to grow a "victory garden". Victory gardens were grown during the recession as a way to sustain families. My victory garden is being grown to commemorate the chaotic year of 2020. I forever want to remember this moment in history.

I've researched, watched YouTube videos and went to purchase the items needed, but really didn't want to make the investment yet. Yesterday, I started out for my morning run and a miracle was right in front of me.

My neighbor was THROWING AWAY 2 bags of unused potting soil and variety of clay pots. Many of the pots had the tags on them. He had never used them. It's exactly what I needed to start my victory garden.


Now it may seem trivial to get this excited about trash. BUT I saw it as the provision of God. My neighbor's trash quickly became my treasure. You might be unemployed, furloughed, or facing job insecurity.

God CAN and WILL provide for you

It might look different than a check in the mail but He WILL provide. I challenge you today to look for the provision of God in UNUSUAL ways. Walk around with expectation! If you look intently, you will see the many ways God is providing for you. (Posted by Roslyn)

"And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others." ~2 Corinthians 9:8


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