Hi, I'm Me - Guest Blogger Kelly Vurinaris

Kelly and I are different. She's Canadian and I'm American. We have worked together and we refuse to focus on our differences.

Kelly is a #1 best selling international children's author. You can find her book on Amazon. I read her book OFTEN. I am honored to have her as our guest blogger today. 

Kelly discusses strength she's discovered while raising a daughter with facial differences.

Author: Kelly

You never know where inspiration will strike; for me, it was a train ride into the city of Toronto. I was
sitting there drinking my morning tea when it came to me; all the situations that we've
encountered had one thing in common. We taught her to introduce herself when someone
was staring.

When my daughter was born, we didn't know that she had Treacher-Collins Syndrome or had
ever heard of it. The moment I met my little girl, it changed my life for the better. I took
one look and said this little girl is going to change the world. I realized I wanted to be a part of changing it too. She is almost five years old now, and within this time, she has taught me so much more than I think I've taught her. The strength, charisma and charm that radiates out of her are infectious. For example, after her second surgery, she came out, and 45 minutes later, she was singing in the middle of the hospital cafeteria!

TCS (Treacher-Collins Syndrome) comes with many challenges, medical appointments and
decisions. What I didn't prepare for was the strength I needed to watch people stare at my
daughter on a daily basis. Grocery stores, malls, playgrounds and parks, it didn't matter, when
people see someone with a difference they stare

I learned very quickly that this would be an ongoing battle. I am a mom of a little girl born with facial differences.

We taught our daughter as she approached the age where she started to notice others staring
to, introduce yourself. What we found was that once they heard her voice and made the
connection that she was just like them, the barrier was broken down, and they instantly
became friends, like there was no difference.

I created the children's book Hi, I'm Me, to help all children with differences understand that
if you add your voice, you are no longer an object to be stared at, you're a person

Hi, I'm Me, is about a little girl with facial differences. Since she's been going out into the world, she notices people staring at her. With one simple phrase, she is creating inclusion and an unknown
confidence within her. She is changing the world one face at a time.

The inspiration from our everyday life led me to write this story and instill in her that although you
may look different, all differences are beautiful.  Everyone has equal value no matter
how they look.

Thank you, and I welcome you to join me at https://confidentlychloe.com/
Check out Instagram: @Confidently_Chloe Facebook: Confidently Chloe

#1 International Bestselling Author


  1. Kelly you are an inspiration to those who know you and those who don't. Your daughter is so lucky to have a mom that sees past her differences to teach her that no one is different, we are all unique. xoxo


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