I Want A Baby!

I know this is shocking news especially since my oldest son is already 20 years old. If I had to do it all over again I would want a sweet newborn that would sleep through the night, not have allergies and not have to deal with asthma or multiple ear infections. CLEARLY - not possible!! 

Babies are full of life and innocence. We don't get to choose their temperament. We are designed to parent and love our children NO matter what. As parents, we learn life lessons of being adaptable and vulnerable. Having a newborn in the house is humbling and complex. Everyday we learn about them and also about ourselves.

Most likely this year we've wished for a more perfect world. A world that wouldn't have a global pandemic. A world with more employed workers. A world without poverty or social and political unrest. Unfortunately, that's NOT our reality now. How will we RESPOND when our situation isn't changing? Our RESPONSE is the one thing we can control. We can always choose how we will respond.

I am constantly learning how to be CONTENT with God's provision. As a parent, I was completely content with the precious babies God gave me. If we open our closets, pantries, refrigerators or our garages we can see the visible and tangible provision that's been given to us. 

Many times we are looking for MORE but we haven't settled into the seat of CONTENTMENT.

What will it profit us to have more, if you haven't learned how to manage what we already have? Consider all the time, gifts and resources we already have. Are we using them in a way that positively serves others

In our rush to have the year of 2020 over (only 127 days left in this year), I hope we find ways to be more content. Embracing contentment allows us the opportunity to be ready and prepared for more. Let's intentionally thank God for what we have. That gratitude keeps us focused on managing what we have versus focusing on what we don't have.

We have all lost something in 2020. For instance, most of this year I haven't been able to hug my mom because I want to keep her safe. But I focus on being content seeing her face on Zoom and hearing her voice during our multiple phone calls throughout the day.

How will you embrace CONTENTMENT today?

On a side note - I am completely content being the mother to Tyler and Joshua. Stay safe and healthy. MASK up! (Posted by Roslyn)


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