She's an Author!

2020 was a crazy year. 


How many times have we heard that? I've heard it so much that I'm tired of hearing it. Even with 2020 being a year like non other, our mother became a published author! During a pandemic and in the midst of chaos, she followed God's will.


For nearly 10 years Roslyn and I have both wanted to write a book. We've written in our private time, but we knew at some point, God would take our broken pieces and allow us to share it publicly. Never in our wildest imaginations did we think, mom would become published before us. We didn't even know she was working on a book. She's a very private person so it doesn't surprise us that she kept the project all to herself.


In the book, "Age-Old Wisdom Sayings", she joins three other writers, Marsha Deveaux Johnson, Iris Deveaux Anderson and David Johnson to share priceless words of wisdom. The power packed 55-page book records sayings of old that we've heard so many times. The sayings are full of wisdom rooted deep in God's word. The book is guaranteed to bless you!

Excerpt from page 8.......

Age-Old Wisdom Saying:

"If it doesn't come out in the wash, it will come out in the rinse."

Wisdom Principle

The truth will ultimately come out.

Biblical Application

All things are naked and open before God.

Hebrews 4:13


Head over to Amazon to order your copy today! Click to Purchase-"Age-Old Wisdom Sayings"



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