Parents Are Essential!

One thing that I've done consistently during the pandemic is walk. I cancelled my gym membership out of an abundance of caution last year. Exercise is an integral part of my life. Since I wanted to stay active I walk, jog and run outside almost daily. In the morning, in the evening, in the cold and in the blazing hot sun you will find me outside. On average log 25+ miles a week. It just organically happens.

Walking is a way for me to clear my head, stay sane, pray, chat with my hubby and exercise. Another added benefit, I get the opportunity to see my neighbors and really soak in the beauty of my community. One thing I've witnessed on my walks is the creativity of people discovering their own homes. During this pandemic we've learned how to LIVE in our homes and not just BE at home. We are creatively using large Roman bathtubs as a remote workspace to take a phone call when every crevice in the house is full. 

While walking I see people grilling and toddlers in kiddie pools. I also see roller skates, bicycles, basketball hoops, and folks fishing. I've seen "HERO WORKS HERE" and graduation signs announcing a new chapter in life for many families. I hear children playing and the sounds of all type of nature, which brings me incredible joy. 

Unfortunately, I see many parents that are exhausted. The world is still filled with restrictions and fear regarding COVID19. Remote learning has been an added stress for some parents.

We are almost one year into this pandemic and you can see fatigue on faces. As I walked yesterday I thought, parents are essential! In our long list of people that we valiantly considered essential we often miss the grit, resilience and hard work of parents. 

Parents are trying hard to put their best face forward for their kids. Yet, oftentimes neglecting their own self care and rest. The diapers, dirty toys, crumbs, spills, meltdowns, negotiations/bribes, lack of privacy, arguments and shattered glass can bring a grown man to his knees. 

To each of those parents working full time, working part time, managing house and family...


Caregivers are ESSENTIAL!

Thank you for your valiant effort and love shown even on the toughest of days. We see you and we applaud you. 

#parentsareessential #caregiversareessential (Posted by Roslyn)


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