ONE word - ONE focus

Happy New Year!

2022 is here and it has already started with a bang. Disruptions in our world are still happening due to the pandemic. Many Americans have been impacted. Our world continues to evolve. I've resolved within myself, normal isn't coming back and that is ok. I'm giving myself permission to remain anchored in God during these turbulent times. 

I've had to unlearn and relearn how to navigate life this decade. I went through a major life transition in 2020 and haven't looked back. I remain optimistic.

When a new year arrives we set a new direction. We look forward to discovering a new path forward. We define new goals to achieve in a new year. This year is not any different. Our goals might be financial, work, relationship, mental wellness or health goals.

In my experience setting a long list of resolutions, I would break them before January ended. About 8 years ago I was introduced to the power of setting one word of focus.

Instead of a list of resolutions I use one word of focus, one word of motivation, one word of intention. That word becomes a North Star that I bring into many situations. It provides clarity and a new perspective when I feel stuck throughout the year.

Each word gracefully links each year together. One word of focus builds the next year's momentum and pace. When you are seeking your word of focus, don't rush the process. Don't force a word to appear. Sit quietly, pray, meditate, sing, look up, take a walk, silence notifications, and focus your mind. Any of these activities might help jumpstart you discovering your word. Being present in each moment will allow your word of focus to arise.

Last year (2021) my word was ADVANCE. I wanted to be intentional about advancing God's agenda. I'd spent time focusing only on what I wanted in the past. In life we can seek & buy many things to make us happy or bring us joy. For example: a new car, new hobby, new handbag, new shoes, new home renovations, new furniture or a trip. Eventually the nostalgia of those items or experiences wanes. It feels like a counterfeit or sugar loading during breakfast. It provides an immediate high but then you crash wanting something else. 

What in your life no longer fulfills you like it did when you 1st received it?

This year my intentional word of focus for 2022 is....(drum roll please)...GOVERN!

I don't want to govern my days fueled by fear and anxiety. I want my days to be governed by faith in God. I want to be governed by love and kindness for others. I now realize I spent a lot of time in the past 2 years worried about how my country/state/schools/pandemic were being governed. 

Now, I want to focus on what governs my life. I want my life to be governed by healthy habits. I want my words to be governed by grace. Yes, the words I speak over myself matter. I don't want to be so critical to myself.

What is your intentional word of focus for 2022?

As we move forward this year, I pray you move about the year with an expectant hope. May your faith be renewed. No matter what circumstances presented themself to you in 2021, you are still here. 

God has been faithful. What we see with our physical eyes won't last, it's only a season and it is temporary. Brighter days are before us. 

Wishing you peace, prosperity, strength and kindness in 2022.

Don't weary yourself trying to get rich. Why waste your time? For riches can disappear as though they had the wings of a bird! ~Proverbs 23:4-5 NLT


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