Gift Offering

I love to eat. Every Saturday night my family agrees on a restaurant (this can sometimes take hours). The sacred part about this family dinner is that we can't use technology-no Ipad, no Iphone, no Blackberry, no DS, nothing!

It is not easy.

In the end we silence our phones and toast our success from the previous week. On Saturday, my oldest son asked this question, "Mom, did God give every one a gift?" Without hesitation I said, "yes". I believe each one of us have a gift. Many of us will spend a lifetime trying to figure out what our forte is. There is a wonderful scripture in the Bible that says, "He (God) alone decides which gift each person should have." I Corinthians 12:11.

Recently I had to submit my biography for a writer's conference. It took me weeks to develop it. Similar to most people I found it hard to talk about my strengths and accomplishments. Once I started to reflect on my professional success, it made me consider my own personal gifts. Below are a few ways I started thinking about my abilities:

1. Make a list of things you enjoy doing (what comes natural) Once you make the list you will start to see similarities in your interest. For example, your love for kids cause you to coach a sports team and volunteer with the youth at school.
2. Quiet yourself and pull away Most people are able to be creative when they are not bombarded with daily distractions (social media, tv, etc.) Find time to spend alone so you can reflect on the gift and talents that are inside you. It is amazing what you discover when you have time to "think".
3. What puts a smile on your face? Ask yourself, what can I do all day for free? We are passionate about the things that bring us joy. Our passion fuels us. It's the reason why we wake up in the morning. The answer to this question will instantly clue you into your gift.

"Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God." -Leo Buscaglia (famous author&motivational speaker)

We were ALL created for a purpose. Different gifts and skills are assigned to each of us. Our world functions in greater harmony when we are moving in our purpose.

What is your gift? How are you offering it to our world? Click the blog link below and post a comment. We want to hear from you! (Posted by Roslyn)


  1. Thanks for this inspiration. Having Dinner without technology would indeed be a great challenge but I think it is a great idea. I will definitely have to try it. One of the gifts that God has given me is a love of crafting. I remember the days when it was easy to make time for myself to scrapbook and create wonderful memories of my family's events. I am challenging myself to get back into it as this is something that I enjoy doing. About three years ago, I signed on to be a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator only to be a hobbyist but God had a different plan. I have met so many new friends and it has totally changed my life. I only pray that I continue to be a witness for Him.


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