Potty Journey

I am smack dab in the middle of potty training my 2 year old son. This process was much easier with my daughter. Within 8 months she was fully trained.

Unfortunately, that is not the story with my baby boy. It is the most frustrating situation to say the least. There are times when I will sit Jordan on the potty to have him stand up 2 seconds later saying "all done mommy.” I look down and there’s nothing in the potty. Within minutes he normally has an accident on the floor (or my wall) and we start the process all over again.

I thought for sure that potty training would be easy for him. Why not right? Within 4 days of starting the "pacifier removal" process, he didn't want to have anything more to do with it. The transition from bottle to sippy cup was also painless. He is quick to share that he's not "Baby Jordan" anymore, he's a big boy. If Elmo can go potty by end of his potty video, why can't Jordan? Even though it's only been a few short months since we started the process, it feels like years.

Now in all fairness to Jordan, there are times when he goes to the potty, does his business and we slap high five's and do the potty dance. The entire house celebrates his accomplishment. His sister will come running out of the room to give him a kiss and I will yell to my husband downstairs "Jordan went to the potty"!

A few weeks ago I felt like I was at the end of my "potty" rope. I was sitting on the floor next to my son waiting and waiting for something magical to happen on the potty. Nothing happened and a few minutes later, while fully dressed for a Board meeting, my clothes showed the stains of his morning milk cup. In my frustration, God gently whispered, “this is a process". Just like life, sometimes you will have success and at other times, you will have mess ups and accidents.

No matter the situation, we will learn along the way. In the same way that Jordan and I move forward to the next potty training moment, the same holds true with your life. Move forward knowing that the best is yet to come and there will be great lessons learned along the journey! (Posted by Renee)


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